Culture & Community | By Scott Schulte,

Is Busy Hurting Your Business?

We all have things we’d like to do but just can’t seem to get around to. Some of them are vague ideas. Some of them have made it all the way on the To Do list. And then there are those pesky other items: The things we know we should already be doing—but aren’t.

The list of excuses for not doing things can be as long as the list of things that need to be done. But there’s one roadblock we’ve all run into… lack of time.

“I’m too busy!”

Ask a friend or coworker how they are. Chances are good that the answer is “busy!”

It seems like we could all use an increase in the number of hours in the day. But because that’s not an option, we put things off. Instead of doing them now, we let them slide down the priority list. Or maybe even ignore them all together.

Here’s the thing. The excuse of being too busy can quickly disappear when a particular to-do item becomes an urgent priority.

  • That dentist appointment you haven’t scheduled becomes much more of a priority when you can no longer chew your food.
  • Those gym workouts you always plan to start “next week” become much more of a priority when your doctor says you have high blood pressure.
  • The rattle in your car you’ve been ignoring will become your top priority when smoke starts pouring out from under the hood.

Unfortunately, the do-it-later mentality doesn’t just play out in our personal lives. It shows up in our work lives as well.

What are you avoiding?

  • Is finding the right employee benefits plan your next toothache?
  • Is filling that open position feeling like an extra 20 pounds?
  • Is that noise you keep ignoring the sound of unhappy employees?

What is that thing (or handful of things) that’s been nagging you? You know, the important stuff you’d like to do for your business or your team— if only you could make more time in the day?

Once you’ve identified these items, take a deep breath, then move them to the top of your list. And commit to doing them.

Your time is valuable. How will you spend it?

Think about how you spent your precious limited amount of time last week. Did you get to the big, important stuff or did the little stuff take over?

What would you feel like today if you had replaced some of those time-sucking tasks with one or two big items that would help move you closer to your goals?

Would doing these things actually save you time or make your life easier in the long run?

How would it feel to not have those things hanging over your head?

You may not think you have time to tackle the things you’ve been putting off, but the beautiful thing is that you can make time for things that matter. Block off a few hours on your calendar. Make an appointment with yourself or better yet, schedule time with someone who can help you accomplish one of your goals.

Big things happen a little bit at a time. Carve out those little bits each day and see where they take you.


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