HR Strategy | By Scott Schulte,

Got Strategy?

Do you hate planning? Would you rather just jump in and DO SOMETHING?

If so, you’re not alone. There are plenty of people who would agree with you. Yes, doing things is important. But so is the strategy behind what you’re doing. And this is where strategic planning will give you the edge.

Whether you’re running the business or the HR department, taking the time to form the strategy behind your actions will help clarify WHY you need these things to happen. In turn, this will help determine exactly WHAT it is you should be doing, and HOW you will go about it.

Why start with WHY?

There’s a reason Simon Sinek’s TED talk How Great Leaders Inspire Action has been viewed over 37 million times. If you don’t know why your company exists or why you’re in business, how can you possibly know what drives your decisions and behaviors? Or what needs to happen next?

When done right, strategic planning will help you:

  • Define what you are working toward
  • Identify the resources you need to make those things happen
  • Use your time, energy, manpower, and technology efficiently
  • Measure results, track progress, and change direction as needed
  • Effectively communicate all of this information
  • Keep your team motivated, engaged and committed to the work

A focus on doing might keep you busy, but a focus on strategy will keep you effective.

No matter what you’re trying to achieve, taking the time to figure out where you are, where you want to be, and what you need to do to get there just makes sense.

When you take a vacation, do you just randomly hop in the car and start driving? Of course not! You’re going to put some effort into picking a destination, based on what your goals are. Is it strictly relaxation? Are you vising someone? Do you want to learn about a new city or country? Are you simply looking for the cheapest option?

Your vacation goals will affect the way you plan and execute your trip. And because you want the best results, you’ll plan carefully.

Don’t leave it to chance

When it comes to figuring out how to make things happen in your business, strategic planning becomes even more important.

Imagine if you let each person in your organization determine the best way to achieve the company vision. You’d end up with as many business strategies as you have team members!

The vision has to come from the top. And spread.

You may have the best strategic planner or team in the world, but if the organizational vision and WHY isn’t clearly communicated, it won’t filter down to those who are responsible for helping making it a reality. Not only will staff not understand their motivation, they won’t be able to see how they fit in or take ownership in achieving the vision.

Empower your team to work toward shared goals and good things will happen.

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